Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Reflections of Mary

Christmas Eve – 2014

Concept – Five readings based on the Celebration of the Birthday of Jesus throughout the life of Mary. Each reflection centers on scriptures from Luke 1 and 2 as well as the candles in our Advent Wreath.


Candle of Hope

Jesus’ First Birthday

Luke 1:46-54

The Promise


Candle of Peace

Jesus at Thirteen

Luke 2:1-7

Becoming a Man


Candle of Love

Jesus at Thirty

Luke 2:8-20

Vocationally Driven


Candle of Joy

Jesus would have been Forty

Luke 2:25-35

A Sword/Revelation


Christ Candle

Jesus would have been Sixty

Luke 2:36-38


The Promise



My sweet Jesus,

How you have grown this past year.

So many sleepless nights,

        So many hours in my arms,

                It has been a lifetime

Since I first knew you were within me.

Every girl,

        Every woman,

                Prays for the chance to sing Hannah’s song.

“My soul magnifies the Lord,

        My spirit rejoices in my savior.

                God has looked with favor upon me.”

Every girl,

        Every woman,

                Dreams of who her child might become.

“Will you scatter the proud?

        Will you bring down the powerful?

                Will you lift up the lowly?”

That is a pretty tall order for one who just took his first step.


        My sweet Jesus,

                Tomorrow comes much too soon.

Take a year,

        Perhaps two,

                In the arms of one who loves you.

Take a year,

        Perhaps two,

                Before rushing into the world.

Rest, my sweet Jesus, rest.

Becoming a Man



        My sweet Jesus,

                Today you are no longer my little boy.

                        With your Bar Mitzvah

You will become a man.

Just yesterday your father and I traveled to Bethlehem.

        Just yesterday we searched for a place to stay.

                Just yesterday you were born in that stable.

                        Just yesterday you were my child.

I love to tell your story.

        Everything went wrong,

Yet everything went right.

You should have been born in Nazareth.

        Your name should have been Joseph.

                It is a miracle you were born at all.

Here you are thirteen years later.

Joshua son of Joseph,

                The name by which you are known.

But in that stable thirteen years ago,

Jesus son of David

                Was the name to which you were born.


        My sweet Jesus,

                I dare not imagine what God has in mind.


        My sweet son,

                You have brought light into my darkness.


        My Holy One,

                May the Lord guide your feet in the way of peace.

Vocationally Driven



        My sweet Jesus,

                You cringe when I call you, “My baby”,

                        But even at 30 you are still my little boy.

All the neighbors figured you would take over the shop.

They marveled at your handiwork,

Compared it to your dad’s,

But Joseph and I both knew

This day would come.

        You love the Holy Word.

                You embrace the wounded soul.                                                Craft your stories well.

From the moment you were born,

        Your people came.

I remember them knocking on the stable door,

        Afraid to enter

                Yet equally afraid to miss the moment.

They spoke of encountering the angel of the Lord;

        They spoke of a choir of heavenly host;

                They spoke as men possessed,

                        Yet their crazed tale was no more bizarre

                                Than my own holy encounter.

That night we sang,

“Glory to God in the Highest,


                        Goodwill among all people.”      

Today I sing,


                My sweet Jesus,

                        Your time has come.”

A Sword/Revelation



        My sweet Jesus,

                Today you would have been forty.

Has it been seven years since that God forsaken day?

        I try,

                I try harder than anyone might imagine

                        To forget,

                                Or reflect,

                                        Or understand

                                                Your Father’s mysterious ways.

All I feel is the sword

As it pierced your side……

                As it still pierces my heart.

That old man told me this would happen,

        But I couldn’t,

                I wouldn’t believe his words.

It was your eighth day.

        Joseph and I took you to the temple for the holy rite.

                Simeon stood before us,

                        So righteous,

                                So devout.

                                        He took you in his arms,

                                                So joyous,

                                                        So transformed.

“My eyes have seen God’s salvation.”

        “You will be a revelation to the Gentiles.”

                “You will break your mother’s heart.”


        My sweet Jesus………..

                You did.



        My sweet Jesus,

                Today you would have been sixty.

                        I feel so old…..

                                Yet so blessed.

I still remember that ancient woman at the temple.

        Her name was Anna.

Her face reflected the map of an experienced explorer.

        Her heart revealed the joy of a child.

That is how I feel these days,



I wasn’t sure I could survive the death of Joseph,

        But I did.

Most days I still struggle with your absence,

        Most days I still remember holding your lifeless frame,

                But not this day.

Today I tell anyone who will listen about that first night.

        Today I remember holding you safely from all harm.

Our friend John has written about you.

        He calls it, “Good News”.

I like the part where you have gone to prepare us a room.

        Remember your first room,

                That drafty old stable.

                        Love was all that protected you

                                From the darkness of this world.

Now you are building a whole new community,

        Now your love shelters the world from darkness.


        My sweet savior,

                Bring me home.

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