Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunrise Service - Easter 2020


Concept – Many of us grew up participating in a Sunrise Service on Easter Morning. There was no formula used. Often this service was the most creative of the year because it was outside and celebrated with a small but energized community. The Corona virus has limited our size but not our imagination. Unlike the services I have been sending for the past few weeks, this service will have no electronic links. I hope you can worship outside. If not, pick a window with a favorite view. I will include the lyrics of songs we sing. If you don’t know the tune or cannot sing just read the words aloud. Remember, you are by yourself but you are not alone.


Begin – Find a Holy Space, hopefully facing the sunrise, and sit in silence. Remain silent until you are aware of the sounds around you. Listen for the rustle of the wind. Perhaps you will hear a bird. Listen to the music God gives us each day.


Sing – This is my Mother’s world and to my listening ears,

            All nature sings, and round me rings, the music of the spheres.

            This is my Mother’s world. I rest me in the thought,

            Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, her hand the wonders wrought.


Prayer – O God, early in the morning you spoke creation into being. You gave us life in all its beauty. You gave birth to all we know. Hallowed be Your name.


Sing -  This is my Father’s world, O let me ne’er forget.

            That tho the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.

            This is my Father’s world, the battle is not done.

            Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one.


Prayer – O God, early in the morning, a voice in a graveyard proclaimed Jesus had risen. You came back despite what we believed. You came back giving life to all. Hallowed be Your name.


Scripture – (Paraphrase of Mark 16) – When the sun had risen three women approached the grave of Jesus. They came to anoint his body. Salome said to Mary, “Who will roll away the stone? It is surely too heavy for the three of us.” When they arrived, much to their surprise, the stone had already been rolled back. They entered the tomb and saw a young man dressed in a white robe. They were frightened. The young man softly said, “Do not be afraid. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth. He is not here. God has raised him from death. Go tell the disciples Jesus will meet them in Galilee.”

            The women ran out of the tomb. Both terror and amazement seized them. They said nothing to anyone because they were afraid.


Sing – Someone’s fearful Lord, come by here.

            Someone’s trembling Lord, come by here.

            Someone’s silent Lord, come by here.

            O Lord, Kum Ba Yah.


Brief Commentary – Biblical stories do not exist to make us comfortable. They exist to make us think. They dare us to have a conversation with God. Mark’s account leaves too many holes that folks later felt a need to fill. Where was Jesus? Why were the women terrified? Why were they speechless? What happened next? Faith compels us to grapple with the unknown rather than be satisfied with answers someone else supplies. Lamar Williamson, a good friend and wonderful NT scholar asked this question. “When is an ending not an ending? When a dead man rises from the tomb and a gospel ends in the middle of a sentence.” Death seems to end the story of life. Resurrection with an appearance would bring closure to the Jesus story. Mark doesn’t give us that luxury. Only you can bring closure to your faith story.


Yes it is Easter Sunday. But we are surrounded by death. Ask the following questions out loud. Follow each question with a moment of silence:

            Where is God?


Why am I so terrified?


Why do I have no answers?


What is going to happen next?


Sit quietly. Eliminate thoughts of fear with expressions of beauty.

Look at the trees. Hear the wind. Feel the heat of the sun. Allow the creation of Mother God to remind you what Father God continues to do.

Father, Mother, Son.

One in Three.


Sing  -  Be not afraid, I go before you always.

            Come, follow me. And I will give you rest.  (repeat as often as needed)


            Arise today.

Allow God’s might to uphold you.

            Allow God’s wisdom to guide you.

Allow God’s eye to look upon you.

            Allow God’s ear to hear you.

Allow God’s word of comfort to be heard by you.

Allow God to bless you near and afar.


Sing – In the bulb there is a flower, in the seed an apple tree;

In cocoons a hidden promise butterflies shall soon be free.

In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be;

Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.


In our end is our beginning, in our time infinity;

In our doubts, there is believing, in our life, eternity.

In our death, a resurrection, at the last a victory.

Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.      Amen.

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